But iran continues to enrich uranium for civilian use 但伊朗继续浓缩铀用于民用。
These sites are former u . s . military facilities converted for civilian use 它们昔日曾是美国军事基地,现已改造为民用经济区。
Fuel supply authorities should give preference to the supply of oligosaprobic coal for civilian use 燃料供应部门应当优先将低污染的煤炭供给民用。
The cost of building uavs is falling , making them more attractive for civilian use 建造无人机的成本正在下降,因此建造这些飞机来进行民用显得更具吸引力。
Article 16 the state applies a quota system governing the number of guns for civilian use to be manufactured and rationed for sale 第十六条国家对制造、配售民用枪支的数量,实行限额管理。
China aims to reduce the number of factories producing explosives for civilian use to less than 200 this year , to enhance production safety 中国计划减少民用爆炸物的生产厂家,以此来提高生产的安全性。
Article 12 guns for civilian use which profit - making shooting grounds and hunting grounds are equipped with may not be taken out of such grounds 第十二条营业性射击场、狩猎场配置的民用枪支不得携带出营业性射击场、狩猎场。
Enterprises engaged in rationed sale of guns for civilian use shall , within the quota for rationed sale , sell such guns manufactured by the designated enterprises 配售民用枪支的企业应当在配售限额内,配售指定的企业制造的民用枪支。
When equipping with sports guns , the public security organ of the people ' s government at the provincial level shall issue certificates permitting the holding of guns for civilian use 配置射击运动枪支时,由省级人民政府公安机关发给民用枪支持枪证件。
Enterprises that need to continue manufacture or rationed sale of guns for civilian use at the expiration of the certificates , shall make another application for issue of such certificates 有效期届满,需要继续制造、配售民用枪支的,应当重新申请领取许可证件。